ATTN. JMS: After the Photo Op

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Sep 12 06:10:55 EDT 1997

Unavailable article: Message-ID <5v4eq0$2f0$1 at>

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Sep 1997 01:32:15 -0400
Lines: 17

>If it's not too private to share, what were you thinking while you
>were staring up at that screen?

I was thinking I'd like to sit and watch it, but they needed me at some
parties.  I was also thinking, "man, I wish we'd had a better bridge
between those two shots where we took out some lines, and the bump between
CGI and live action should've been bigger, since they took such a big hit,
and we should've...."

It never ends.


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