Another Soundtrack--Caution!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Sep 14 06:29:30 EDT 1997

From: Dwightg <dwightg at>
Date: 13 Sep 1997 03:29:34 -0400
Lines: 21

As I was perusing the bins today looking for a B5 soundtrack, I chanced
upon Neil Norman and his Cosmic Orchestra doing music from B5, Star Wars,
and the X-Files. The label is GNP Crescendo.

Here are the details: Neil Norman does a lot of soundtrack (both movie and
tv) covers, heavily '70s guitar and synths; these show up on the Crescendo
label, as do similar cover pieces by a guitar player named Glenn Strange
(no kidding!).

Now to the bad news. The B5 piece is based on the season 2 theme, and is
3 minutes, 23 seconds long. Its has a long and noodley intro and extro, 
and the whole thing is not particularly imaginative. The Star Wars piece
is only 2:20, and the X-Files tune weighs in at a hefty 5:10. That's ten
minutes 53 seconds of music, criminally priced at *$12.99*.

If you've just -gotta- have this, I hope you can find it used, or cut-out.
I highly recommend against shelling out the full-price bucks for this,
folks, it sure ain't worth it.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Sep 1997 01:14:44 -0400
Lines: 16

>As I was perusing the bins today looking for a B5 soundtrack, I chanced
>upon Neil Norman and his Cosmic Orchestra doing music from B5, Star Wars,
>and the X-Files. 

I've listened to it.

It's just hideous.

Someone should tell Neil that disco's dead.


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