ATTN JMS: Casting of Rebo & Zooty

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Sep 24 06:18:48 EDT 1997

From: "Anne Green" <annemarie_g at>
Date: 21 Sep 1997 23:24:53 -0400
Lines: 24


I heard a rumor that Rebo and Zooty may make an appearance in season 5.  
Is this true?  If so, I'd like to make a casting suggestion.  

With a name like Zooty, I picture a short, somewhat squeaky-voiced type 
of guy.  I believe the perfect choice for this role is none other than 
Harlan Ellison.  Just imagine him lifting his leg and saying "Zooty - 
Zoot Zoot".   I bet he'd work real cheap too.  

Rebo would probably be the straight man in the act.  You'd need a big, 
tall guy with a wry wit.  Someone with a natural chemistry with Harlan's 
character.  Who could be better qualified than yourself?  Why not, 
you've done just about everything else on the show .  It'd be great to 
see you in a cameo.

What do you think?   :)

Anne Green

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 Sep 1997 17:08:37 -0400
Lines: 29

>I heard a rumor that Rebo and Zooty may make an appearance in season 5.  
>Is this true?  If so, I'd like to make a casting suggestion.  
>With a name like Zooty, I picture a short, somewhat squeaky-voiced type 
>of guy.  I believe the perfect choice for this role is none other than 
>Harlan Ellison.  Just imagine him lifting his leg and saying "Zooty - 
>Zoot Zoot".   I bet he'd work real cheap too.  
>Rebo would probably be the straight man in the act.  You'd need a big, 
>tall guy with a wry wit.  Someone with a natural chemistry with Harlan's 
>character.  Who could be better qualified than yourself?  Why not, 
>you've done just about everything else on the show .  It'd be great to 
>see you in a cameo.
>What do you think?   :)

I suggest Thorazine, and lots of it.



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