ATTN: JMS-B5 at the University

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 25 06:16:23 EDT 1997

From: schroeder william r <wschroed at>
Date: 24 Sep 1997 04:01:25 -0400
Lines: 38


Even though the series will not be completely finished, I've decided to
offer a philosophy Freshperson Seminar with all episodes of B5 as the main
"text", starting in Jan. 98.  The course will have both an interpretive
component (determining what the series as a whole implies about the many
questions it raises) and a philosophical component (determining what the
most plausible positions are on the same questions). 

It would certainly be helpful if the library media center could have a set
of tapes that students could review on their own time.  I've written
Columbia House, and they say that they can only sell tapes to individuals
for their own private use.  Since this is all they have rights for, they
won't even quote a price to a library.  Above all, I want to remain legal. 
I assume this means that I cannot take a copy of the series I have made to
the library either, even if it is for educational purposes.  Do you have
any suggestions on how to handle this, short of having every student tape
every episode as it comes off the TNT replays?  I know you are not a
copyright expert; so if you don't have the answer to this yourself,
perhaps you can direct me to someone at Babylonian or Warner Bros. with
whom I might discuss this.  

Also, I wonder if you would have any suggested philosophical essays or 
texts that you think might make interesting contrasts or supplements to 
the positions of B5.  (I'm not asking about *sources* for B5 here, but 
about texts you think might force people to think about the same issues 
B5 is addressing but in different ways.)  (Anyone else have any suggestions?)

I'll post or mail you the syllabus, when I finally have it ready in January.
I know these questions are somewhat off the usual topics.  Thanks in 
advance for taking time to consider them.  

As always, thanks for creating a show that is worthy of the in depth 
treatment I will try to give it.  

Bill Schroeder
University of Illinois (Urbana)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Sep 1997 18:09:31 -0400
Lines: 14

Unfortunately, neither we nor WB are in a position to make tapes
available; they will have to come through other sources.  I can only convey
my best wishes and good luck with the class.

You may also want to check in with the folks at the University of York who
are doing an academic conference on B5 in December in case there are any
papers that could be purchased and used.


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