JMS Confirms Crusade a Go!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Apr 5 15:34:57 EDT 1998

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: Bruce Padgett <barnabruce at>


Tonight at 11:05 PST on local L.A. public
public radio station KPFK's sci-fi talk show
"Hour 25" (which JMS used to host, BTW):

JMS announced that "Crusade" would go into production on July 27 for a
premiere date of Jan. 6, 1999 on TNT.  No details on casting or number
of years TNT committed to, though he emphasized that the Shadow plague
left on Earth would wipe out all life on the planet within 5 years if
the incubation period passed with no cure found.  He described the new
series as the first "archaeological" sci-fi series as a team of
explorers would rummage through the remains of old civilizations in the
search for that cure.  An official announcement would come from TNT on
Monday, he said in a preface to his remarks.

And that's the extent of the info JMS gave during his short phone
conversation, done live with host Warren James.

Bruce Padgett

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