ATTN: JMS - Five years

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Apr 12 06:14:14 EDT 1998

From: Alan Keith Carver <alanc at>
Date: 8 Apr 1998 20:32:53 -0600
Lines: 27

On 4/6/98 6:46 PM, JMS said:

>      Vast amounts of your information are incorrect; WB owns B5, for 
>starters.  Additionally, TNT puts up a portion of the production budget, WB 
>puts up the rest, same as with any network show.  There was some initial 
>of a sixth season by some folks over there, but I made it clear that this 
>is a 
>five year story, and it ends in five years, and asked them to respect my 
>wishes.  They did.
>                                                                    jms


What if they hadn't respected your wishes? How would that have played 
out? Since WB owns the show, couldn't they continue to make it without 
your input?

Alan Keith Carver    alanc at
"Our sense is that most of the viewers with money or an education have 
cable, VCRs, laserdisks, and they watch those instead of the networks.  
Our programming more and more will have to turn to those who don't have 
any real education or money for other programming options." - Unnamed 
network stooge.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Apr 1998 16:51:50 -0600
Lines: 11

>What if they hadn't respected your wishes? How would that have played 
>out? Since WB owns the show, couldn't they continue to make it without 
>your input?

Two words: scorched earth.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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