ATT JMS: Is Harlan going

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Feb 7 06:20:33 EST 1998

From: Bill <jazz at>
Date: 5 Feb 1998 23:40:25 -0700
Lines: 17

to write a script for Babylon 5 or what?  From what John Copeland said
about your production schedule, you must have gone into pre production
of the last episode of the season by now, and certainly the last
episodes script must be finished or nearly so.

So, do we get Demon on the Run, or at least a peek at Trent in the last
few episodes?  In Deconstruction you left hole for it to happen.

Enquiring minds want to know (thats why they become PsyCops)


Let Justice be Done,   \When Alexander saw all that he had done he wept,
though the Heavens Fall \      for there were no more worlds to conquer.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Feb 1998 07:06:47 -0700
Lines: 8

While we're not doing the Demon story this season, Harlan has co-story credit
on two episodes this season.


(jmsatb5 at
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