A View from the Gallery

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun Feb 15 06:12:02 EST 1998

From: beresh at lintilla.ae.utexas.edu (Steve Beresh)
Date: 13 Feb 1998 23:50:30 -0700
Lines: 51

In article <34E422BA.4162 at ibm.net>, Kailin  <yukailin at juno.com> wrote:
Spoilers for AVftG


>If you had been watching the season 2 eps that are currently running,
>you would have seen one of those portholes before. In "The Long Dark",
>the episode with Dwight Schultz as a lurker who feels the presence of a
>shadow soldier that has come on board the station via a 100 year old
>vessel. At one point, you see him in down below suddenly look out a
>window (porthole) and yell something to the effect of "I see you, there
>you are". So, yes, the portholes do have precedence.
Portholes in the *floor* have precedence.  Portholes in the *wall*,
however, don't.  Remember, with the gravity produced by the station's
rotation, portholes must be in the floor.  Hence, in _The Long Dark_,
Schultz's character appeared to be looking through a floor drain.  For
Bo and Mack to have looked out the porthole in the lower wall, they must
have been walking down a rather steep incline.


Steve Beresh                       *
Dept of Aerospace Engineering      *  "I hate quotations."
University of Texas at Austin      *       --Ralph Waldo Emerson
beresh at cfdlab.ae.utexas.edu        *

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Feb 1998 09:01:16 -0700
Lines: 18

>Remember, with the gravity produced by the station's
>rotation, portholes must be in the floor.  Hence, in _The Long Dark_,
>Schultz's character appeared to be looking through a floor drain.  For
>Bo and Mack to have looked out the porthole in the lower wall, they must
>have been walking down a rather steep incline.


Look carefully at the station.  It is in segments; and at the outer wall of
each of those segments, as with the sanctuary, you can get an outer view.  You
can see the lights from some of these areas that have portholes in the station
when it's dark.  


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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