Attn. JMS: Many thanks for your help

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Feb 20 06:19:09 EST 1998

From: logbook at
Date: 18 Feb 1998 21:55:27 -0700
Lines: 19

   Thanks much for helping out with my question a week or two ago regarding
Sonic Images' customer service.  My friend got his Christmas gift at last,
with apologies (and a little something extra) from the gang at Sonic Images,
and justice is done. I've got to figure out what to do for his birthday.  Thought I
was off the hook there. <chuckle>

   Has Chris Franke indicated, by some chance, what and/or when the next
wave of episodic CDs will be?  Despite this incident, they'll have to try a
lot harder to scare me off of further purchases.  8-/

      e  <-- Earl Green is made from people!   e-mail: logbook at
               Writer / animator / artist / composer / curmudgeon at large
               LogBook web site -

"Our mission is to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, and to
kick ass.  And we just ran out of new life forms and new civilizations."

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:42:42 -0700
Lines: 12

>Thanks much for helping out with my question a week or two ago regarding
>Sonic Images' customer service.  My friend got his Christmas gift at last,
>with apologies (and a little something extra) from the gang at Sonic Images,
>and justice is done.

I live to serve.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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