ATTN: JMS wait and see?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jan 3 06:31:41 EST 1998

From: Mike Barnes <mikebarnes at>
Date: 1 Jan 1998 14:51:50 -0700
Lines: 15

Allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment if I may.
I'm wondering if both you and WB are waiting to see the B5 ratings on
TNT before finalizing a deal on Crusade.

Oh hi Satan.  I said exactly what you told me to.'t,

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Jan 1998 12:35:59 -0700
Lines: 19

>I'm wondering if both you and WB are waiting to see the B5 ratings on
>TNT before finalizing a deal on Crusade.

Nope.  The contract has been sent to me for signing several times, and each
time it has had some problem or another that needed fixing.  (See, this is how
the process works: your agent and the studio negotiate over the phone.  Come to
terms.  Deal memos go out, which often don't reflect the conversations, but
they hope you won't notice.  You catch the "errors" and send back the memos. 
Next come the actual contracts, and sonuvagun, more "errors" have slipped
through, and now THEY need to be corrected, if you can find them in the 90
pages of 8 point type.  So that's been the only real holdup.  It's standard.)


(jmsatb5 at
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