ATTN JMS: So that's why . . .

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jan 17 06:11:46 EST 1998

From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Date: 15 Jan 1998 06:53:12 -0700
Lines: 11

Just downloaded the Season 5 credits off the TNT web site.  Pretty
incredible stuff, a good introduction for new viewers and shows the
scope of the show.  It gave me goose bumps and made me feel wistful all
at the same time.  Excellent job, sir.
  BTW, so that's why we never saw the back of the station!  I must ask,
whose idea was that?  I thought it was hilarious.
  Docking Bay 13 -
  Brent Schmidt                 TVsBrent at MCS.COM

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jan 1998 07:22:26 -0700
Lines: 16

>It gave me goose bumps and made me feel wistful all
>at the same time.  Excellent job, sir.

I have the same reaction to it...thanks.

>BTW, so that's why we never saw the back of the station!  I must ask,
>whose idea was that?  I thought it was hilarious.

I confess it was my idea...damn taggers are's my one indulgence
in 5 years.  Doesn't any good artist sign his work?


(jmsatb5 at
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