Attn: JMS Season 5 Intro

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jan 19 06:18:51 EST 1998

From: George Harrington <gharring at>
Date: 16 Jan 1998 07:27:20 -0700
Lines: 19

Hello JMS

Got a copy of the Season 5 intro from the TNT website and all I can say is 

		WOW !!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering though if the way the intro is done (and that is all I will say to prevent spoilage)
is not your way of getting to those who said B5 wouldn't last 5 years.  


George Harrington		
 "It proves that if you confront the universe with good intentions
 in your heart, it will reflect that and reward your intent.
 It just doesn't always do it in the way you expect." 

   Spoken by G'Kar from Babylon 5 "Epiphanies"

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 18 Jan 1998 16:54:44 -0700
Lines: 14

>I was wondering though if the way the intro is done (and that is all I will
>say to prevent spoilage)
>is not your way of getting to those who said B5 wouldn't last 5 years.  

No, I dealt with that lot in 5 seconds of reason to give them any
further attention.


(jmsatb5 at
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