JMS needs a technical advisor, was Re: Regarding "No Compromises"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jan 26 06:21:01 EST 1998

From: rtaylor at (Russ Taylor)
Date: 25 Jan 1998 18:24:14 -0700
Lines: 65

In article <980125012303-gordonm at>, gordonm at wrote:

>In article <34CA2D3A.5BB2 at> of group 
>, Tariq Moustapha writes:
>> Wayne Throop wrote:
>> > 
>> > x spoilersbane

>You are wrong. The maneuver is very simple. All that is require for the 
>"hover relative to a point on the rotating section of the station" 
>maneuver, as illustrated in _No Comproimises_ is thrust towards the axis 
>of the station while rotating (no thrusting required to maintain spin) 
>at the same frequency as the station. From the perspective of those on 
>the station the ship would appear to be firing straight down.

I would buy that _if_ the exact right thrust could be applied ONCE the
ship was in _exactly_ the right position at _EXACTLY_ the right spin, it
could be done.  However, the juggling to get all those factors right would
give a computer a splitting headache, let alone a pilot.  The slightest
error, including irregularity in the thrust (almost inevitable), would
quickly send the StarFury away from the station.

It is _not_ a simple manuever, it's several times HARDER than matching
spin and course with a rotating object, which is not that simple to begin

Russ Taylor (rtaylor at
Chambers Multimedia Connection Help Desk

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Jan 1998 20:51:03 -0700
Lines: 14

Excuse me, folks, but he was using a B5 starfury, which is programmed like all
starfuries there to sync up with the station's rotation for purposes of
docking, ejecting, and holding position for repair purposes.  All a pilot would
have to do is tell the on-board computer to sync up the thrusters with the
station's rotation, and it'd be done.

This is a no-brainer...which is why I didn't specify it in dialogue (also it
would've killed the drama of the momen).  


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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