ATTN JMS Copy edit error in MotA (minor spoiler)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jul 2 06:31:36 EDT 1998

From: "Aleeha Travis" <artravis at>
Date: 29 Jun 1998 19:01:17 -0600
Lines: 39

spoiler spoo:

I was rewatching MotA yesterday, and noticed when Londo was using the
'bug sniffer' wand he put it on the lower set of boxes to remove the
bug, turns to Vir and asks where he bought the stuff.
When the camera backs out of the close-up, the wand is on the top set of

I realize errors happen, but you said perfection is in the details, so
maybe this can be fixed in future releases?

(This is not a criticism, rather the opposite, cause it took me four
viewings of this ep to finally catch this.  That means the story was
engaging enough to distract me from the details.)

artravis at
aka alisane at

Nightmares stalk the sleepers/Like deadly nightshade creepers.
'A.R. Travis 91

The opinions expressed represent only me.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 1 Jul 1998 19:22:51 -0600
Lines: 14

>I was rewatching MotA yesterday, and noticed when Londo was using the
>'bug sniffer' wand he put it on the lower set of boxes to remove the
>bug, turns to Vir and asks where he bought the stuff.
>When the camera backs out of the close-up, the wand is on the top set of

I snipped a bit out of the middle of that scene, it was dragging a bit, and
that was the slight mismatch that resulted.


(jmsatb5 at
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