ATTN:JMS my deepest gratitude...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jul 11 06:09:46 EDT 1998

From: "Timothy D. Chase" <odysseus at>
Date: 9 Jul 1998 22:01:00 -0600
Lines: 36

Dear JMS--

I am a philosophy major who spent a great deal of time with the classics
of Western thought, and who has recently obtained his masters.  I am
also a member of an ideological movement which has divided into two
hostile camps which to varying degrees, have adopted an "us vs. them"
mentality.  It has been this way for well over a decade.  And the
movement has always suffered from an feeling of alienation from the rest
of the culture.

The divisions have been aweful, especially on the internet.  But I have
formed a webring which is open to all sides for the express purpose of
facilitation open communication so that all sides can be heard,
civilized discourse may take place, and so that individuals will have
access to more than one frame of reference.  It has been and continues
to be quite successful, and it is my hope that it will encourage both
intellectual independence and the recognition of the harmony of
interests which can exist among people so long as they recognize
one-another's rights.

I just wanted to say that Babylon 5 has been a great source of
inspiration for me, and has even influenced my moral vision.  Today, you
are influencing how I deal with the divisions within my community.   But
some day, you may very well influence my work in philosophy -- because
of the glorious moral vision which you have brought to life -- which
shows the destructive consequences of the "us vs. them" mentality, its
motif of redemption, and especially the characters of Jakar and Londo.

Incidentally, my wife has compared me to King Arthur, and the ring to
the roundtable.  I kind of like that, but I prefer Sheridan and Babylon
5.  You have fueled my moral idealism more than you will ever know.  I
can only hope that it will reach others, in other countries in a similar
way.  If it does, who knows, some wars may never be fought.

With my deepest gratitude--

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Jul 1998 11:24:22 -0600
Lines: 7

Thanks, that's great to hear, good luck.


(jmsatb5 at
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