ATTN JMS: Not WS LD's- what happened?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jul 12 06:19:44 EDT 1998

From: Daniel Kuhn <djk5323 at>
Date: 11 Jul 1998 20:43:25 -0600
Lines: 4

Havne't seen any explanation of why you had no pull in this, after
saying that you wanted to have WS LD's and DVD's.  We all thought your
merchandise pull was sufficient that you wouldn't have let these new
LD's go without the WS treatment.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Jul 1998 03:57:28 -0600
Lines: 30

>Havne't seen any explanation of why you had no pull in this, after
>saying that you wanted to have WS LD's and DVD's.  We all thought your
>merchandise pull was sufficient that you wouldn't have let these new
>LD's go without the WS treatment.

WB is one of those big companies where one branch often doesn't know what the
other is doing.  No one told me about the LDs until I heard about it on the
nets, because it never occured to anyone to mention it.  (I've since mentioned
it to the folks at Image, so we'll see about the WS stuff.)  

What you have to understand is that the video aspect of the show is not
considered by contract a part of merchandising.  (I know, doesn't make any
sense, but it's one more way of keeping money out of the hands of the writers
involved.  Same with soundtracks, so I don't get a piece off either of those
except for the WGA mandated royalty, which is more or less zero.)  

As some note of how far off these things can be, a big full-page ad in Video
Magazine this month for the VHS tapes mentions that the show  is now on TNT,
instead of **UPN*** (it began on PTEN, which is WB, as opposed to UPN, which is


(jmsatb5 at
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