ATT JMS Re: Demon Night

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jul 17 06:14:48 EDT 1998

From: Julian Eales <julian.eales at>
Date: 15 Jul 1998 12:13:10 -0600
Lines: 47

Jms at B5 wrote:
> Thanks, it's a good book.  "Demon Night" was a first novel, and
> therefore kinda rough in places.

But a good read nonetheless. I got Demon Night by mail order from my
comic supplier, before B5 was a factor. IIRC, I saw the ad in Diamond
Previews, with a blurb comparing it to Salem's Lot, which is my
favourite Stephen King book. I bought it on a whim, and when it arrived,
it sat on my bookshelf for a while, fighting for the time to read it
with authors like Jonathan Carroll, Iain Banks and Roddy Doyle. Time
passed, and the book collection continued to grow. Still it remained on
the to-read pile, which was slowing to a trickle due to my own
burgeoning attempts to write. Soon it was relegated to the secondary
layer of reading matter, out of sight in a closet, eventually finding a
home among many other books bought with good intentions, but perhaps
destined to never be opened. (Sorry, but it happens.)

Then B5 came along. I was there from before the beginning, oddly enough.
I read about it first in a Starlog special effects magazine or
something. Whatever came out before the show made it to England. I was
intrigued by the idea of an arc. The pitch was enough for me to wait
impatiently for The Gathering to come out as a rental tape. I watched it
the day it came out, and aside from the muppets in the alien sector
(which I note have been excised in the new edit), I was there for the
duration, and you've rewarded my faith in the pitch more than I could
have hoped for. (Even if you've spoiled me for most other televised
science fiction, but that's their fault, not yours.)

Somewhere during the first season, a little Kosh voice was echoing in
the back of my head. "You have forgotten something." but I couldn't work
out what it was. During season two, the voice became a bit more
strident. Then, when season three was well underway, I read a feature
which referred to your books, and name-checked Demon Night. Before you
could say "Jump! Jump now!" I was poring through shelf upon shelf of
books, until I found it. And now, several people on this newsgroup want
to kill me, and pry the book from my cold dead hands. :) Which is what
they'd have to do. Found it. Read it. Enjoyed it a lot. Sorry it took so
long. Won't happen again. Now all I have to do is find Othersyde!

While I have the spotlight, I'd also like to thank you for the example
you've set in pushing the envelope that much further. You've proved it
can be done, and I hope in time to make the word "Jnkai" as well known
as "Vorlon".


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jul 1998 00:25:45 -0600
Lines: 17

Thanks...apparently, some dealers are selling the book(s) for a couple hundred
bucks apiece, which I'm kind of chagrined about, wishing they were better

Which is why the next one I write has got to be a good one, because a lot of
folks will probably pick it up as an act of faith and a compliment to B5, and I
don't want to disappoint them.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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