Who is Norman Corwin? (was re: Noble Dignity in Meditations)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jun 3 06:26:47 EDT 1998

From: rpavelle at aol.com (RPavelle)
Date: 2 Jun 1998 00:04:19 -0600
Lines: 14

In article <6knshj$qi at news1.panix.com>, tbetz at panix.com (Tom Betz) writes:

>... and Norman Corwin, at whom I am marvelling once again as that 1996
>PBS documentary. "Corwin" has drawn me away from Usenet for 80 minutes. Now 
>I have returned to read this, with the rhythms of Corwin still ringing in my 
>ears and through my veins -- and what I hear is one of Corwin's spiritual
>sons at work while at leisure, here on the Net!  

This sounds like someone I would be interested in hearing more about.  Who is
Norman Corwin and what did he do?


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Jun 1998 08:24:28 -0600
Lines: 16

>This sounds like someone I would be interested in hearing more about.  Who is
>Norman Corwin and what did he do?

Go here:


Search on Corwin.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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