Production quality = going down

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jun 6 06:10:58 EDT 1998

From: rtaylor at (Russ Taylor)
Date: 4 Jun 1998 16:24:08 -0600
Lines: 12

I have to say, Meditations did not impress me as being well shot, and
looking back I can see that as being characteristic of the season.  Boring
camera angles in recent episodes, the sets are much more plain than they
used to be, and most scenes are now just people standing around (no


Russ Taylor (rtaylor at,
Chambers Multimedia Connection Help Desk 
"Come on Natural 20. Daddy needs a new Sword of Wounding!" -- Langley

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 5 Jun 1998 19:17:02 -0600
Lines: 28

>I have to say, Meditations did not impress me as being well shot, and
>looking back I can see that as being characteristic of the season.  Boring
>camera angles in recent episodes, the sets are much more plain than they
>used to be, and most scenes are now just people standing around (no

I have to say this is one of those comments that just astonishes me.

Some episodes have always been more action-oriented than others.  In order to
move story along, you have to have dialogue scenes; the more complex the action
you're trying to get across, the more you need to tell.

Boring camera angles?  The director of "Darknes" was Mike Vejar, who is our
most innovative director.  He did "In the Beginning," "The Face of the Enemy,"
"Messages From Earth" and most of our really cool episodes.  He likes the
close-up, it's where the good stuff happens.  He chose to direct the show in
this style, what on earth does a stylistic decision have to do with production

"the sets are much more plain than they used to be."  How is this physically
possible, since the sets we've been shooting on are the same ones we used
before?  Nothing got removed or stripped out, they're *exactly* the same.


(jmsatb5 at
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