ATTN: JMS - Casting decisions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jun 19 06:10:10 EDT 1998

From: "Mark Maher" <markamaher at>
Date: 16 Jun 1998 23:13:57 -0600
Lines: 14

You have made a lot of casting decisions for Babylon 5 over the years and
these choices had demonstrated an uncanny knack of getting superlative
actors for virtually every character. During the 30-minute "The Guide to
Babylon 5" special, you related the story of how you and John Copeland
decided to hire Jerry Doyle as Garibaldi. Of all of the performers that you
brought in, what happy miracle made you decide to cast Mira Furlan as
Delenn? She has been superlative throughout portraying perhaps the most
pivotal character in the entire story. Although she was an accomplished
actor and had a laudable career in Europe, she was unknown in the United
States at the time. How did she manage to come to your attention and what
told you that she *was* Delenn?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 Jun 1998 09:03:51 -0600
Lines: 16

>Although she was an accomplished
>actor and had a laudable career in Europe, she was unknown in the United
>States at the time. How did she manage to come to your attention and what
>told you that she *was* Delenn?

It was just her whole attitude, a certain dignity that she carries with her,
and an exoticness.  When I heard she'd been more or less run out of her own
country by extremists who were hoping she would never work again, that provided
an added incentive to hire her, just knowing how many of them would be pissed
off by it.


(jmsatb5 at
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