ATT: JMS: When are you "Leaving" Us?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Mar 21 06:17:23 EST 1998

From: "Laura M. Appelbaum" <l-appelbaum at>
Date: 19 Mar 1998 18:06:24 -0700
Lines: 10

Joe, I have to write this quickly as I am missing the beginning of
whatever season three ep is running right now, but I was just wondering;
you've spoken often of reducing your presence on the Net with us "once
B5 was done."  In saying this, did you mean "once production was over"
-- tomorrow?  Or did you mean "once everyone in the US market has seen
all of the episodes through 'Sleeping in Light'"?  Either way, I know
THIS fan will miss you terribly, but I'm refusing to get maudlin until
522 -- I'll have to stock up on Kleenex BIG TIME before then ...


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Mar 1998 07:10:19 -0700
Lines: 7

I'll start pulling back after the last ep has aired.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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