ATTN JMS: Season Intros

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Mar 27 06:24:32 EST 1998

From: George Harrington <gharring at>
Date: 25 Mar 1998 18:47:21 -0700
Lines: 22


Thanks to the TNT web site I was able to download and view the season
1-5 intros. I was wondering when or perhaps what gave you the idea to
make each seasons intro different. Is this something you had planed from
the beginning or something the you came up with later.

By the way it is intereting to view them back to back and see the
building of dramatic tension as each season builds on one another.


George Harrington        gharring at
University of South Florida
Health Sciences Center Information Systems
Phone (813) 974-7621   FAX (813) 974-5198
"I have seen what power does, and I have seen what power costs.
 The one is never equal to the other."
    G'Kar, Babylon 5 "Epiphanies"

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Mar 1998 12:05:53 -0700
Lines: 16

>I was wondering when or perhaps what gave you the idea to
>make each seasons intro different. Is this something you had planed from
>the beginning or something the you came up with later.

No, it was something I wanted to do from the git-go, even though it's costly to
redesign the title sequence and music every season.  Each season is one volume
in the overall story, and my theory is that in a trilogy, for instance, you
have a different cover on each book that sets the tone for that particular
volume.  If B5 is such a work, then it should have a similar to each season's


(jmsatb5 at
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