ATTN JMS: Questions about Crusade Casting

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed May 13 06:29:31 EDT 1998

From: "mArAuDeR" <mArAuDeR_HlBr at>
Date: 11 May 1998 09:46:22 -0600
Lines: 36

Diane K De wrote in message
<1998051001252400.VAA28635 at>...
>>From: mArAuDeR <mArAuDeR_HlBr at>
>>Date: Sat, May 9, 1998 17:27 EDT
>>Message-id: <6j07vj$8au at>
>>You said (I think) earlier that TNT wanted none of the B5 regulars to be
>When did JMS say THAT?  To my knowledge he has never said such a thing.
>does this stuff come from.
>>said, could someone please tell me if Jason Cartier's Departure from the
>>show was on good terms.  If so, is he willing to do (or has he done if Ne1
>>knows) Guest appearences on B5 or Crusade.
>Well, his character is dead.  I don't if I'd define that as good terms.
>Seriously, nothing has been said that it was a bad parting.
>If he came back it would have to be a "Wayne Alexander" type thing as a
>different character.

The no-B5-regulars-in-crusade demand was made by TNT.  Someone said that
Bruce Boxleitner made some *choice* comments about that but I dont know
about that part for sure.  But im pretty sure JMS confirmed the TNT part of
it.  Check with Lurkers because something was put up on the nwes or crusade
guide page about it.  Again, I think JMS said something but I cant remember
if I found it here or elsewhere.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 May 1998 08:33:00 -0600
Lines: 16

>The no-B5-regulars-in-crusade demand was made by TNT.  Someone said that
>Bruce Boxleitner made some *choice* comments about that but I dont know
>about that part for sure.
>But im pretty sure JMS confirmed the TNT part of
>it.  Check with Lurkers because something was put up on the nwes or crusade
>guide page about it.  Again, I think JMS said something but I cant remember
>if I found it here or elsewhere.

Absolutely, positively untrue.


(jmsatb5 at
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