Attn JMS: Dumb Question Time (S1/S2)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 25 07:06:14 EDT 1998

From: bknight255 at (BKnight255)
Date: 21 May 1998 22:53:40 -0600
Lines: 24

I was pondering the Season 1 to Season 2 transition the other day, and a silly
thought occured to me.

It's already been firmly established that Michael O'Hare left on good terms, in
good standing, and that the reason for the shuffling of Sinclair and Sheridan
was pretty much story-related.

That being the case (and here's where it gets dumb), was there an overwhelming
reason why the switch was done *right* at the S1/S2 break?  As opposed to, say,
keeping Sinclair on the station for one episode, maybe two, enough to make the
fans think that it all was just a bad rumor -- and *then* yanking Sinclair off
the board, using your patented
sneak-up-behind-the-viewers-with-a-sockful-of-sand (TM) technique?

I was just curious whether the timing of that switch was mandated by events in
the year 2259 (story needs) or the year 1994 (Hollywood needs).

Patiently waiting for five Narns to come knocking down my door with baseball
bats, I remain

Bruce Knight
bknight255 at
"The word 'impossible' ... is to be found only in a dictionary of fools."

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 May 1998 09:44:38 -0600
Lines: 25

>That being the case (and here's where it gets dumb), was there an
>reason why the switch was done *right* at the S1/S2 break?  As opposed to,
>keeping Sinclair on the station for one episode, maybe two, enough to make
>fans think that it all was just a bad rumor -- and *then* yanking Sinclair
>the board, using your patented
>sneak-up-behind-the-viewers-with-a-sockful-of-sand (TM) technique?

Several reasons.  For one, Michael is basically a New Yorker, and wanted to be
back there to pursue some stage opportunities.  We went our separate ways in
May, and filming for S2 didn't start until July/August, so he would've had to
uproot himself twice to do a few eps at the start...also, contracts being what
they are, we had to either renegotiate his contract, or renew it for all 22,
contractual terms don't allow for you to bring on the actor like that for only
a couple if the contract requires 22.  And, finally, it was just cleaner that


(jmsatb5 at
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