ATTN JMS: Royalties question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 25 07:16:48 EDT 1998

From: "Kevin Andera" <lonestar at>
Date: 23 May 1998 16:01:25 -0600
Lines: 8

I was watching the Discovery channel today, and I noticed that the very last
image they show in one of their name announcements ("You're watching the
Discovery Channel") is a one second clip of the Babylon 5 station.  So my
question is: who gets paid for this use of WB copyrighted material, how
often do they get paid (one lump sum, every time the image is shown, etc.)
and about how much would they get paid?

Just wondering how the system works.  Thanks in advance for any answer.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 May 1998 11:20:08 -0600
Lines: 13

> a one second clip of the Babylon 5 station.  So my
>question is: who gets paid for this use of WB copyrighted material, how
>often do they get paid (one lump sum, every time the image is shown, etc.)
>and about how much would they get paid?

If I recall correctly, they asked for and received a waiver, so as far as I
know, there's no money involved at all.


(jmsatb5 at
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