ATTN JMS: Your alter ego???

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 31 06:10:41 EDT 1998

From: "Rob Johnson" <thinman at>
Date: 29 May 1998 18:23:15 -0600
Lines: 18

Great Maker,

It has always seemed to me that G'Kar has some of the best dialogue of any
of the characters.  He seems to get the most profound and dramatic stuff.
Especially with his new role as guru, he seems to be an outlet for what I
take it is often "JMS view of the universe."

My question is this -- was G'Kar always intended to be such an articulate
and wise character?  Does he serve as your favorite mouthpiece and alter
ego?  And if so, is this because the character resonates with you, or does
Andreas' superb acting skill have something to do with it?

In short, is it the character or the actor which seems to draw the best
writing out of you?  Over time I assume that you start writing to actors'

Thanks for the wild ride,

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 May 1998 02:53:06 -0600
Lines: 31

>My question is this -- was G'Kar always intended to be such an articulate
>and wise character?  

Yeah, he was always set to grow into this.

> Does he serve as your favorite mouthpiece and alter


>And if so, is this because the character resonates with you, or does
>Andreas' superb acting skill have something to do with it?

I think it's both.  Making G'Kar more of a writer, I've been able to get out
some of that...and knowing that whatever I write, Andreas can bring to life is
a big plus.  

>In short, is it the character or the actor which seems to draw the best
>writing out of you?  Over time I assume that you start writing to actors'

If you held a gun to my head, I'd have to say that of the scenes I write, the
ones with both G'Kar and Londo are the ones that somehow just sing...I could
write about those guys nonstop, and never get tired of it.  There's just some
dynamic that comes into place more when they're together than seperately.


(jmsatb5 at
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