ATTN JMS: Your opinion of your work

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 26 06:31:21 EST 1998

From: "Dave Selby" <rhb at (nospam)>
Date: 24 Nov 1998 10:37:41 -0700
Lines: 30

I don't intend to sound like I'm placing you on a pedestal but do you think
that in years to come film and language students of all ages will study
Babylon 5 In the same way that our generation studies the works of
Shakespear and even the authors you have paid homage to, such as George
Orswell and Isaac Asimov? The deep and complex storyline I think warrants a
fair bit of academic analysis.

Babylon 5 has had a great impact on our culture that will no doubt mature
with time. You have set a standard that other Sci-fi shows now have to live
up to or be thrown into the abyss. Eventually, as Star Trek becomes more
and more like Baywatch, I think The Babylon Project and it's spin-offs will
be recognised as the best piece of science fiction in modern culture (note
to everyone: Star Wars is a space fantasy,it doesn't count. So don't
whine,I won't listen)
I wish you the best of luck with Crusade and hope everyone loves Sleeping
in Light (unfortunately we don't get Sleeping in Light here in New Zealand
for another two months. I've held out without reading spoilers since No
Compromise aired in January. Two more months won't hurt).

Dave  Selby
rhb at

"This is how the world ends. Swallowed in fire, but not in darkness." 

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Nov 1998 10:20:38 -0700
Lines: 28

>I don't intend to sound like I'm placing you on a pedestal but do you think
>that in years to come film and language students of all ages will study
>Babylon 5 In the same way that our generation studies the works of
>Shakespear and even the authors you have paid homage to, such as George
>Orswell and Isaac Asimov? The deep and complex storyline I think warrants a
>fair bit of academic analysis.
Actually, that's already started.  A number of academic essays on B5 have been
collected in "The Parliament of Dreams," published in the UK (I think someone
here may have the info on purchasing it).  I found in reading it that I was
smarter, stupider, more liberal, more conservative, more progressive, more
reactionary, than I had previously imagined.

Such analysis (and it was/is good reading, btw) is flattering, sometimes
daunting, but brings out stuff always worth considering.  Whether the subject
matter is in the long run truly worth the ink, only history can tell. 
Obviously I think so, but again, I have a vested interest in saying that.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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