from jms: crusade update (mostly humor)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 11 06:11:26 EDT 1998

From: Michael A Benedetto <mb29 at>
Date: 10 Oct 1998 14:19:38 -0600
Lines: 41

In article <6vnt43$dgm$1 at>, jamie at MCS.COM (Jamie) wrote:

> >Funny how the only people who say "Joe Straczynski" instead of "jms" (and
> >who don't address the man *directly* when responding to his comments) are
> >the ones who are about to slam him hard and/or predict doom for his work.
> >Pay heed, all you budding trolls: this is the surest way to prevent people
> >here from listening to a word you say.
> Two points -- JMS's comment about "knife fights" is all the "proof" *I*
> need that TNT and JMS have (or at least had) very different ideas of what
> TNT bought when they bought B5. I knew there was some reason to be very
> nervous when TNT started referring to B5 as a "franchise"...

Well, that's a separate issue. Though jms was initially insistent that the
arc could not stand *any* further extension into movies or new episodes,
he apparently changed his mind and decided that the series could stand a
few tie-in movies on top of the minimal merchandise lines. That doesn't
ruin anything about the five-year arc, IMO; on the contrary, ItB enhanced
some aspects of it. And B5 is *such* a far cry from ST in popularity that
they probably aren't going to bother to demand much more.

And if they've reached understandings that satisfy jms, I don't much care
that knife fights took place along the way. It happened with WB/PTEN
before B5 started -- just read the first couple of GEnie digests on the
Lurker's Guide. I also feel better that he didn't try to underplay this
power struggle.

<your interesting and well-written analysis of naming deleted>

Ah, but you've missed my larger point. It's "Straczynski" that's become
almost an epithet -- people who like him call him either "jms" (the online
handle) or "Joe" (implying, rightly or not, a first-name-basis
relationship). Anyone who declines that kind of freely-offered familiarity
is invariably out to piss people off. Theron, anyone?


I've been around. Well, maybe I haven't been around... but I've been nearby.
                                                -Mary Richards

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Oct 1998 20:01:11 -0600
Lines: 14

More on the costumes in another thread, but suffice to tight they
ain't.  We're going for a more conventional military look in terms of jump
suits and cargo pants, something a little rougher looking...but that elsewhere.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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