*crunchcrunch* What?? (was: ATTN JMS: Any more Crusade news?

schillin at spock.usc.edu schillin at spock.usc.edu
Mon Sep 21 16:29:40 EDT 1998

ck at zipcon.net wrote:
> See, it's not the coffee that's the problem for me, it's those damned
> styrofoam cups. Other people look at me strange the first time they see me
> finish one off, but I say, if you're going to enjoy a cup of coffee, you
> might as well get the whole experience.
> *burp*

Huh? (blinking) B-but you're making it sound as if Styrofoam ISN'T
supposed to be eaten!

What do I do with all these packing peanuts and clam dip?

Guess I'll have to call the family and tell 'em to stay home. Party's
off 'til we find some crisps...

I have to say that from context alone, one can NEVER tell for sure what
Earthers consider to be food! Hph!


Psi Corps
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