ATTN JMS: galen

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Sep 23 06:11:17 EDT 1998

From: gkarfan at (Tammy Smith)
Date: 21 Sep 1998 01:02:37 -0600
Lines: 9

i was happy to hear that tnt won't be acting on the "crusade" memo.  i'm
looking forward to "crusade" because of the galen-character.  i saw a
clip of galen at westercon, and i was really impressed.  is peter
woodward doing as well in the role as you had hoped?

also, i live in the san diego area.  when did you move here, how long
did you live here, and did you like it?

tammy smith

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Sep 1998 19:22:53 -0600
Lines: 27

> i'm
>looking forward to "crusade" because of the galen-character.  i saw a
>clip of galen at westercon, and i was really impressed.  is peter
>woodward doing as well in the role as you had hoped?

Peter is superb as Galen, utterly brilliant.  I think we lucked into a
character and an actor that is going to be extremely popular with fans.  I
couldn't be happier with his work to date; I'd put his work up there with Peter
Jurasik and Andreas Katsulas, easily.

>also, i live in the san diego area.  when did you move here, how long
>did you live here, and did you like it?

I lived in San Diego a few times, the last being from about 1974 to 1981.  I
actually rather enjoyed living there (I went to and graduated from San Diego
State during that time).  I cut my teeth as a journalist there, and got my
first stage credits.  I felt that the town was a little too provincial, and
still is a bit, but would've stayed if what I wanted to do could be done there,
but living in LA is necessary to work in TV.  Figures that they'd upgrade the
place just after I left....


(jmsatb5 at
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