JMS: words coming back

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Apr 4 04:33:55 EDT 1999

From: jbonetati at (JBONETATI)
Date: 1 Apr 1999 20:40:26 -0700
Lines: 20

Okay, maybe I should have remembered but I didn't.  I saw 'Signs & Portents"
last night for the first time since SIL.  That one has to be the longest setup
yet, JMS;  you showed us exactly what the stations true fate would be before
the first half of the first season??!!  Incredible!  I almost fainted when I
saw the shuttle coming out of the docking bay just before the explosion.  

I've said it before and I'll say it again as often as anybody'll stand still to
listen.  What I see as your greatest strength as a writer is the 'density' that
you bring to your stories.  Yes, by that I mean 'backstory' (regardless of what
network lackeys say <g>) and also the foreshadowing and the generally
'holographic' nature of your stories.  

If I may be allowed an opinion of what you should do next, I'd like to urge you
to remain in some form of episodic media.  I'd dearly love to read a series you
would write.  

Thanks as always,


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 3 Apr 1999 09:09:29 -0700
Lines: 24

>I've said it before and I'll say it again as often as anybody'll stand still
>listen.  What I see as your greatest strength as a writer is the 'density'
>you bring to your stories. 

It's just the way I'm hardwired.  Years ago, a bunch of us (college years) went
in to help put down a carpet in a building, using scraps from a carpet store,
and everybody's putting down these huge swaths of carpeting, and I'm over in
the corner with these 2 and 3 inch pieces making a complex pattern, and they're
all "will you STOP that and just grab some big pieces," but it ain't how I'm
wired up.

It's all in the details.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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