ATTN JMS: Advice for budding writers???

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 12 04:31:10 EDT 1999

From: Adnan Virk <adnanvirk at>
Date: 8 Apr 1999 21:19:39 -0600
Lines: 23

Jms at B5 wrote:
> >As someone who hopes to one day get into the television writing scene,
> >what advice do you have?
> >
> >I don't mean in terms of the actual writing of the show/project/etc, but
> >in terms of getting it on the air, getting the "important people" to
> >actually read it? I know you went through a lot to get B5 on the air
> >(especially wiht a premise that everybody doomed to failure as soon as
> >they heard it), so how did you do it? You were already known in the biz
> >when you pitched B5....but if someone new was trying to break through
> >what sort of things would he have to do?
> I get this question all the time.  There is only one reply that I can give you:
> it is impossible -- let me reemphasize that, impossible -- for a newbie to sell
> a TV series without a long track record working in the business.  So there's
> really no advice that can be given.

hm...are you trying to's impossible? :). I figured as much
already...but it seems like an endless circle. You cant get in w/o a
track record...but if you can't get in...then how do you get a track

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Apr 1999 18:09:33 -0600
Lines: 25

>are you trying to's impossible? :). I figured as much
>already...but it seems like an endless circle. You cant get in w/o a
>track record...but if you can't get in...then how do you get a track

Of course you're proceeding from a false assumption.  New people get in every
year.  Every writer started out as an unknown, and not in the WGA, without a
track record.  You start trying to sell individual scripts to shows on the air
currently, then work your way up.

New members in the WGA are added every year, in substantial numbers.  Those
people all sold for the first time.  Happens all the time.

Not to flog my book...but go to your local library (cheaper that way) and check
out my Complete Book of Scriptwriting.  It may help.


(jmsatb5 at
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