jms = big rock

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Apr 28 04:31:42 EDT 1999

From: Dan Dassow <ddasow at>
Date: 27 Apr 1999 16:37:56 -0600
Lines: 55

In article <3724fcbd.3528744 at>,
  strueb at (Wes Struebing) wrote:
> On 26 Apr 1999 16:33:59 -0600, in_valens_name at wrote:
> >In article <7g1ma6$1sd at>,
> >  foxtrot at (J.D. Forinash) wrote:
> >> In article <19990424003449.21244.00000874 at>,
> >> Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at> wrote:
> >> >For those who are interested in these sorts of things, I learned recently
> >that
> >> >Kitt Peak Observatory in Tuscon, Arizona, has just formally named an
> >> >discovered by them in 1992 8379 STRACZYNSKI in recognition of B5.  (This
> >the
> >> >formal designation, as per the Astronomical Union.)
> >> >
> >> >Finally, I'm a rock star....
> >>
> >> Well, that or a star rock...
> >
> >Or just stoned...
> >
> >So, would this consist of a promotion from being a warship in Jack
> >McDevitt's _A Talent For War_?
> >
> >Seriously, this strikes me as an even more important kudo than the Bradbury
> >award.  That asteriod will probably outlast even current fame.  It's a near
> >immortal monument to B5 and its creator.
> >
> >Just hope it doesn't break orbit and come visit. Boom, there's always a boom!
> >
> If that happens, we'll have to come up with a new verb.  We'll have been
> straczynski'ed.
> Even one of Sheridan's nukes couldn't stop him!

Wes, it looks like I'll have to update straczynksi'ed to include a secondary
definition: straczynskied - (1) vt past tense - To be inspired towards
simultaneous and profound curiosity, anticipation, awe, dread, and somber
reflection through the skillful use of misdirection, foreshadowing, mental
torture, and other literary devices leading to disturbed sleep, frightening
nightmares, hallucinations, compulsive behavior, and general obsession. (2)
vt past tense - To be obliterated by a large asteroid with the name 8379
STRACZYNSKI that doesn't go boom today, but boom tomorrow, since there's
always a boom.

Dan Dassow ps I gave Andreas Katsulas a button with the phrase "I’ve Been
Straczynskied" with the first definition when he was in St. Louis last April.
I wonder whether he gave the other two existing buttons to Peter Jurasik and
Mira Furlan like I requested.

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Apr 1999 19:08:38 -0600
Lines: 23

>Wes, it looks like I'll have to update straczynksi'ed to include a secondary
>definition: straczynskied - (1) vt past tense - To be inspired towards
>simultaneous and profound curiosity, anticipation, awe, dread, and somber
>reflection through the skillful use of misdirection, foreshadowing, mental
>torture, and other literary devices leading to disturbed sleep, frightening
>nightmares, hallucinations, compulsive behavior, and general obsession. (2)
>vt past tense - To be obliterated by a large asteroid with the name 8379
>STRACZYNSKI that doesn't go boom 

Oddly, I heard a while back from some Russian speaking folks, and depending on
how you pronounce it and where you put the inflection, Straczynski can mean
either "terror" or "passion."  I kind of like the symmetry of both....


(jmsatb5 at
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