ATTN JMS: Phoenix Rising Series

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Aug 21 04:24:44 EDT 1999

From: gkarfan at (Tammy Smith)
Date: 19 Aug 1999 20:38:37 -0600
Lines: 8

Some people seem to think that your new series is Phoenix Rising, a
possible new Star Trek spinoff.  I hope it isn't, because, for one
thing, it has the same title as one of your B5 episodes (& I'm sure you
just hate that!).  Can you confirm or deny this rumor?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Aug 1999 16:45:24 -0600
Lines: 20

>Some people seem to think that your new series is Phoenix Rising, a
>possible new Star Trek spinoff.  I hope it isn't, because, for one
>thing, it has the same title as one of your B5 episodes (& I'm sure you
>just hate that!).  Can you confirm or deny this rumor?

No, totally and completely untrue.  I don't know where this stuff comes from.

Some folks at Paramount have indicated privately that it'd be great if I could
take over the ST TV franchise but I have no interest whatsoever in doing that. 


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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