Attn jms: Are you letting Crusade die?

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Fri Aug 27 15:42:47 EDT 1999

From: dianekde at (Diane K De)
Date: 26 Aug 1999 12:03:27 -0600
Lines: 37

>Subject: Re: Attn jms: Are you letting Crusade die?
>From: vonbruno at (Von Bruno)
>Date: Thu, 26 August 1999 12:40 PM EDT
>Message-id: <19990826123638.04630.00000093 at>
><<Has anyone from WB/Babylonian approached the SciFi channel <<recently>>, to
>specifically note to them that you'd like them to consider picking up 
>Crusade for their next season?>>kenney
>I read somewhere that TNT's option on the series doesn't expire until Febuary
>2000 and I would expect the issue of whether or not the Sci-Fi Channel will
>pick up the series will be reviewed then.
>Again, from what I have read on the Net I don't imagine there is much, if
>anything, JMS can do other than wait and see what developes.
>-Von Bruno-

I'm wondering where this information came from and whether people are
interpreting it correctly.

It was my understanding that when WB let TNT out of their contract (a favor),
TNT agreed to relinquish their hold on show if WB could find another customer
(a return of the favor).

That's why it was shopped to the SciFi Channel in February.  That's why fans
were told that the SciFi Channel might pick up a second season of the show if
the early ratings were good.

So, now people are implying that none of that made a difference because TNT
holds the rights anyway?  It doesn't fit with previous events.

Even if it has some legal basis, all along the impression being given was that
it could be overcome, just like TNT's 22-episode commitment didn't stick.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Aug 1999 22:54:30 -0600
Lines: 19

>It was my understanding that when WB let TNT out of their contract (a favor),
>TNT agreed to relinquish their hold on show if WB could find another customer
>(a return of the favor).

Your understanding is most emphatically incorrect.  TNT would have had the
chance to get out of it had another network been such deal having
been in place, the contract sticks, despite TNT's many attempts to get out
without paying any of the promised production budget.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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