Attn JMS: Medieval Metaphors

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 31 04:29:03 EDT 1999

From: Salvador Nogueira Leite Ceglia <salvadorceglia at>
Date: 30 Aug 1999 19:42:12 -0600
Lines: 29

Hello JMS! I´m a B5 fan from Brazil and I am delighted to know we can
get in touch with you through this post to have your insights.
Here´s my question (the first, but not the last! I hope you don´t

We can see through all the B5 series several elements which are very
similar to the medieval culture as we know it. B5´s future has monks all
around, religion takes a very important part in the whole story arc,
there´s a lot of misticism. Also, we can see veneration to kings,
leaders with almost unlimited power and I see Sheridan as a King Arthur
of his own. The Anla-Shok look like Round Table Knights and the series
that sequels B5 is a Crusade! There are a lot of other examples, like
the symbol of the station, with a sword and a shield, the music from the
5th season, which has a medieval touch... well, you know what I´m
talking about... after all, you wrote it all... After all that said, I
want to know: why have you chosen all those medieval metaphors to depict
the future of mankind? Do you believe we are getting back to the values
of Dark Ages in some way?

Sorry if it was too much text for a little question, and, thank you for
your time.

Salvador, from São Paulo, Brazil.

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Aug 1999 01:12:33 -0600
Lines: 17

>After all that said, I
>want to know: why have you chosen all those medieval metaphors to depict
>the future of mankind? Do you believe we are getting back to the values
>of Dark Ages in some way?

Not per se, no, just applying some of the myths and models from that period to
the future.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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