This rests on your shoulders.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Dec 1 04:31:48 EST 1999

From: "Ryan Nock" <Tai_sa at>
Date: 29 Nov 1999 18:51:04 -0700
Lines: 25

What do *you* think souls are?  I would never 'define' souls, but since you
didn't say you outright did not believe in souls, your belief must go at
least to a certain point.  Of course, religion and faith is always a testy
issue, but I don't get offended easily.

I haven't though deeply about what a soul is or isn't, but at its basis, a
soul is a person's mind.  I think a soul cannot be separate from what the
body has gone through.  Souls might all be similar when they first . . .
are . . . 'created' I suppose, but they change as they are lived.  So, when
a person dies, his soul, as it goes to heaven or hell, is akin to that
person, and that person survives--all his memories, likes, foibles, and
But a soul is not just the body, though it is linked to it.  I think a soul
leaves the body if the brain dies; the soul resides in the brain. (As far as
psuedoscience goes, I'm not going to try to explain myself.  I agree with
science all the way, and then fill in the holes with what I believe)  But if
you put someone's brain in a different body, the soul would remain the same,
and would just adapt to the new body.

I'm surprised I'm typing this at a B5 newsgroup, but at least this hasn't
gotten to the 'bar room brawl' stage yet.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 30 Nov 1999 15:52:49 -0700
Lines: 25

>What do *you* think souls are?  I would never 'define' souls, but since you
>didn't say you outright did not believe in souls, your belief must go at
>least to a certain point.

But of course the definition is key to asking and answering the question. 
Unless one can say what one means one can never mean what one says.  If you're
talking about an immortal soul that goes to heaven or hell...then my answer is
no.  If you're talking about the personality, as in "she's a very soulful
person," or having a lot of soul in one's work...then that's a whole different
*concept*, and in that case being more psychological than spiritual, then the
answer is yes.

As someone else once said...god is in the details.  Literally, in this


(jmsatb5 at
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