jms Tells the Chris Carter/CBS story at Loscon

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 5 04:40:05 EST 1999

From: in_valens_name at
Date: 4 Dec 1999 05:03:40 -0700
Lines: 56

In article <19991202003234.24640.00000111 at>,
  jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5) wrote:
> Just to jump in a bit...
> The irony of course is that if Harsh Realm had been canceled even a
week later,
> we would've concluded the deal with CBS for the show I'd created and
> Chris, Frank Spotnitz and I would exec produce.  CBS had agreed to a
> production deal, and they were haggling over the per episode license
fee should
> the show get picked up for series when HR got canceled and the ripple
> started.
> The other thing I wanted to mention is that in my years in the biz, I
> rarely enjoyed a partnership with anyone as much as with Chris and
Frank, who
> are not only stand-up guys, but in all of our discussions I don't
think a
> single idea got broached that didn't make sense.
> Their approach is the same we had at B5: you check your ego at the
door and do
> what's best for the story.  I have nothing but good things to say
about them,
> and even though Fox felt that they needed to go forth only with 100%
CC after
> HR was canceled (the logic being that it didn't work because Chris
> actually create it), I consider the experience a positive one.
> They're good people over there at 1013.
>  jms

Damn!  This sucks.  After the TNT fiasco, you finally find good people
to work with ...  Talk about Murphy's Law in action.

How will this effect your writing workload?  More novels and/or short
prose stories?  Maybe another comic series?

scott tilson.

Recommended reading for B5, SF, and/or comics fans: HIEROGLYPH #1 by
Robert Delgado, from Dark Horse.  A beautifully envisioned cinematic
exploration of an alien world that's not so lifeless as our human
surveyor first thinks!  Line art preview at

Sent via
Before you buy.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 4 Dec 1999 15:43:53 -0700
Lines: 17

>How will this effect your writing workload?  More novels and/or short
>prose stories?  Maybe another comic series?

There's still plenty to do, and several other projects in the works while the
project I was doing for Chris is being shopped elsewhere.

Believe me, I never lack for stuff to work on.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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