ATTN JMS: Characters Who Have Problems

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Dec 6 05:47:23 EST 1999

From: norville at
Date: 6 Dec 1999 00:04:27 -0700
Lines: 31

In article <s4mbcsjuqeg45 at>, "Ryan Nock"
<Tai_sa at> wrote:
> And Marcus's flaw?  I like Marcus, but he seemed to have little in the way
> of negative personality traits (aside from being annoyingly persistent).

Marcus was self-destructive, always looking for a good, noble death. He
refused to let go of the pain that was taking him down that path, fixated
on Ivanova, and sacrificed himself to save her.
Also, he was, as some of his fans called him, "the Attention Deficit
Disorder poster boy." :-)

In article <384B25DE.F266256E at>, Sergey Bukhman
<sergeyb at> wrote:
>Ryan Nock wrote:
>>And Marcus's flaw?
> Horrible taste in women?

In your opinion. Actually, until he died (and I felt sorry and got used to
him...), he really annoyed me, and I can only think it's because *I*
rather wanted Ivanova and was jealous... ;-) I kept grumbling "Can't you
*tell* she doesn't want you? Go away." Actually, yes, he did figure that
out, which is why he never forced himself on her -- instead, he tried to
be like Lennier was for Delenn, and be forever her ally.
But no, IMHO, Ivanova wasn't "horrible taste in women". I honestly don't
get it when men say she's such a dog; I can't see it, myself. (But then,
I'm female, and am not supposed to see what men see. Instead, I see what I
see, and find her attractive. <shrug> It's the same weird mindset that
noticed that Marcus was attractive, but found him too annoying to care,
until later... like in reruns, after he'd died...)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Dec 1999 00:15:38 -0700
Lines: 12

Marcus was a martyr waiting to happen, looking for something worth throwing his
life away on because he could find little worth in his own.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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