Attn JMS: Comments on KODO

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Dec 31 04:42:25 EST 1999

From: cassius81 at (Cassius81)
Date: 30 Dec 1999 17:46:59 -0700
Lines: 26

Well, after reading your reccomendation, I put "KODO: Live at Acropolis" on my
Christmas list (yes, I know it's passe, and yes, I still believe in Santa) and,
lo and behold, got it in my stocking.

What are my thoughts?

I think it's f*cking awesome, and I don't attach that label to many things. In
fact, my fingertips are now bruised from drumming along with the CD too much.

Track 5 in particular ("O-Daiko") is mind blowing. 

Still, KODO doesn't come anywhere near beating out the Akira soundtrack as my
favorite CD of all time. It's ridiculous that there aren't any other releases
by the Geinoh Yamashirogumi here in the states. It's not fair, I tell you...

Hm. I just realized that half the stuff I've been involved with lately involves
Japan in some way... the Akira soundtrack, KODO, my viewing of three Godzilla
movies on Sunday, and the last few tapes of Neon Genesis Evangelion (dear God,
I love that show...). But I digress.

In any case, I loved the KODO CD. Just thought you'd like to know.

Cassius' Quote of the Day:
Asuka Langley Sohryu: "I should *never* kiss to kill time!"

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Dec 1999 00:08:57 -0700
Lines: 38

>Well, after reading your reccomendation, I put "KODO: Live at Acropolis" on
>Christmas list

>What are my thoughts?
>I think it's f*cking awesome, and I don't attach that label to many things.
>fact, my fingertips are now bruised from drumming along with the CD too much.

>Track 5 in particular ("O-Daiko") is mind blowing. 

Here's what you have to know about that cut.  Go look at the back cover.  See
that massive drum off to the left, the one twice as big as a person?  Now look
at the front cover.  See the guys standing there with the sticks in front of a
smaller version of that drum?  Those sticks weigh something like 5-10 pounds
each.  They hold those sticks high above their heads to reach the drum, one in
particular who keeps the main beat going, and they keep doing that for the full
length of that track, which is an astonishing accomplishment.  You think he's
going to fall over after a while.

When I heard that, and saw the video, my first thought was, "Ah, well, there's
someone else who knows what it felt like to make B5."


(jmsatb5 at
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