JMS: A couple of Crusade questions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jan 20 04:33:58 EST 1999

From: Blair Leatherwood <bleatherwood at>
Date: 18 Jan 1999 22:44:17 -0700
Lines: 17

Has the delay in starting the broadcast helped or hindered you in
production?  I can see how having some extra time in preparation can be
a help, but I imagine it can also encourage a little too much fiddling
around in search of perfection.  As a secondary question to the above,
does the delay in viewer response help or hinder the production?

Question 2:  assuming that the report of the content of "Appearances and
Other Deceits" is correct, what was the creative process involved in
coming up with this solution?  Was it one of those blinding flashes of
revelation or was it a more mundane logical solution?

Looking forward to Crusade with excitement and backward on B5 with


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Jan 1999 17:40:09 -0700
Lines: 29

>Has the delay in starting the broadcast helped or hindered you in
>production?  I can see how having some extra time in preparation can be
>a help, but I imagine it can also encourage a little too much fiddling
>around in search of perfection. 

No real impact either way...we contract with our CGI and stuff to be done by a
given date, and that date can't be expanded without additional fees, so it will
still get done in the same amount of time.

>Question 2:  assuming that the report of the content of "Appearances and
>Other Deceits" is correct, what was the creative process involved in
>coming up with this solution?  Was it one of those blinding flashes of
>revelation or was it a more mundane logical solution?

I was just thinking about how to use the changes to the benefit of the story
rather than an annoyance, thought of my reaction to the level of annoyance,
wondered how Gideon would react, and just started giggling...figured I could
turn it around and in a sense take a shot across someone's there it


(jmsatb5 at
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