Harlan Ellison and Lennier

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jul 28 04:31:17 EDT 1999

From: vonbruno at aol.com (Von Bruno)
Date: 27 Jul 1999 13:08:56 -0600
Lines: 19

<<Uhhhh, by not having him act like the card-board '60 television heroes that
always make the self sacrificing decision for the greater good. Duh.>>
bretntraci at aol.com

The character of Kirk, in the produced version of "City on the Edge of
Forever," was by no means "card-board," or lacking in dimension, and it is
perhaps only the Ellison bootlicks who would even try making such an erroneous

There are simply too many great season one and two episodes of Star Trek: TOS
that disprove, and illuminate the lunacy, of your claim. "The Devil in the
Dark," "Balance of Terror," "The Corbamite Maneuver," etc .... In fact, Kirk,
by the end of Trek's original three year network run, had greater depth and was
more fully realised than B5's Captain Sheridan (who by the end of Babylon-5's
fifth season could best be summed up as dangerously incompetant and unfit for
the mantle of Galactic Emperor-for-life).

-Von Bruno-

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Jul 1999 19:15:33 -0600
Lines: 22

>The character of Kirk, in the produced version of "City on the Edge of
>Forever," was by no means "card-board," or lacking in dimension, and it is
>perhaps only the Ellison bootlicks who would even try making such an

1) So anyone who disagrees with your point of view is a bootlick?  Does the
phrase ad hominum attack ring a bell?

2) Someone who just came out a few days ago with a totally false rumor about
Harlan drinking, who only recanted when forced up against a wall, should be
careful when throwing around the term "erroneous claim."  


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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