ATTN JMS: Attending Wizard World?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jun 23 04:31:32 EDT 1999

From: navoff at (J. Potts)
Date: 21 Jun 1999 21:02:16 -0600
Lines: 17

You mentioned you might be attending this year's Wizard World Chicago
(formerly the Chicago Comic Con) which runs July 16-18.  Have you made
any decisions yet on whether or not you will attend?

Also, I seem to recall that the debut of issue #1 of Rising Stars is
suppose to coincide with the convention.  Correct?

"How many slime-trailing, sleepless, slimy, slobbering things do you know
that will *run and hide* from your Eveready?"
                               --Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Jun 1999 18:43:00 -0600
Lines: 22

>You mentioned you might be attending this year's Wizard World Chicago
>(formerly the Chicago Comic Con) which runs July 16-18.  Have you made
>any decisions yet on whether or not you will attend?

Yup, I'll be there.

>Also, I seem to recall that the debut of issue #1 of Rising Stars is
>suppose to coincide with the convention.  Correct?

Also correct.  It's coming along nicely.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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