B5's Well of Forever

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jun 26 04:31:38 EDT 1999

From: "A. Safron" <safron at concentric.net>
Date: 25 Jun 1999 16:19:36 -0600
Lines: 29

Andrew H. Litkowiak <andylit at starnetinc.com> wrote in article
<3773082A.FA44F60C at starnetinc.com>...
> Gee. I can't agree. You must have missed the part that made it all work.
> Dureena leans over and we get a nice cleavage shot. Made the whole
> worth watching :-)
> Woo hoo! Running for cover now!
Cleavage?  Maybe that was a minor concession to TNT. :-)

Has it been two episodes?  Whatever.  It seems to me that Galen takes
over the show because he is enigmatic and one of those superb
Shakespearean actors who can leave you breathless even with his
head shaved.  Meanwhile, Capt. Gideon is standing around
with his mouth open in surprise, waiting for Galen's next trick.

I don't know if JMS had Galen in the spotlight when he wrote Crusade,
but it seems to coming out that way.  It's a shame TNT cut
the series short.  Imagine 5 years of techno-mage.

-Ann Safron

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Jun 1999 18:55:56 -0600
Lines: 19

>I don't know if JMS had Galen in the spotlight when he wrote Crusade,
>but it seems to coming out that way.  It's a shame TNT cut
>the series short.  Imagine 5 years of techno-mage.

It actually wasn't my intention.  The way the show was originally going to lay
out was to sprinkle Galen's appearances here and there.  Of this 13, we would
have some of the ones shot after 105, then 101-105, then the rest after 105. 
But because they all (minus 101-105) got bunched together at the front, you'll
now get a bunch of Galens, then no Galens at all for a long time.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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