Attn: JMS, re: B5 and DS9.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 13 04:39:01 EDT 1999

From: Kevin L Curtis <kevin.Curtis at>
Date: 11 May 1999 21:37:59 -0600
Lines: 24

I cannot seem to post to the B5 moderated group.
Would you please post the following message for me,

Jms at B5 wrote:

> >Why did you not stand up
> >for yourself and protect your rights and property?
> I could not do so; once the contracts were signed for B5, WB owned B5 lock,
> stock and copyright.

 Since WB owns B5 lock, stock, & copyright (barrel)...
why doesn't WB put it on their own network?  They could teach UPN
what good quality shows can do for the bottom line.  And they have
a vast worldwide network of B5 fans to draw from.

"Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."  -Rodin

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 May 1999 23:18:55 -0600
Lines: 26

> Since WB owns B5 lock, stock, & copyright (barrel)...
>why doesn't WB put it on their own network?  They could teach UPN
>what good quality shows can do for the bottom line.  And they have
>a vast worldwide network of B5 fans to draw from.

You have to understand WB's corporate structure.  It is not really one company;
it is a series of mini-kingdoms who are all supposed to be competing with each
other to make their division the most profitable.  (It was actually *designed*
in this dysfunctional fashion, believe it or not, because the then-head of the
studio, now gone, thought it was a Good Idea, that it would spur

Result division would slit its own wrist  before it would do anything
to help another division.  Also the WB network has its own development slate,
and they want to control what they develop for their audience, so they would
not take a creative fait accompli.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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