Attn JMS: Rising Star early release question..

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 20 04:34:09 EDT 1999

From: snevel+usenet at
Date: 17 May 1999 22:08:06 -0600
Lines: 26

A quick question for you...

Exactly  what material has hit the comic book (graphic novel?) stores with
respect to Rising Star?

When I first read the announcments, I hit a couple of the local places
looking for you stuff..

I eventually bought the "JMS's Rising Stars" "Preview" issue put out by
Top Cow. (The one with the flaming dude on the cover).

There also seemed to be a "Rising Stars" 0 (zero) issue that was
distributed along with Wizard magazine...  Is this true?  If so, do you
know which issue of Wizard it was in? 

The folks at the store also said that new comics/series/books/stories
(What *is* the proper term?) often produce a "1/2" edition that would
appear in Wizard.  Is this going to happen?

I know that the series is going to start in July (I've already got a
standing order in), but I want to have a "complete" collection...

Any details will be appreciated..


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 May 1999 03:12:18 -0600
Lines: 9

>There also seemed to be a "Rising Stars" 0 (zero) issue that was
>distributed along with Wizard magazine...  Is this true?  If so, do you
>know which issue of Wizard it was in? 

It's in the Top Cow issue with the Fathom cover, just came out about a month
ago, most stores should have it.  I'd actually suggesting reading that one
*first* since it sheds light on the preview issue.

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