Attn: JMS re. writers rights

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri May 21 04:34:04 EDT 1999

From: steamer at (Edward Haas)
Date: 20 May 1999 18:27:13 -0600
Lines: 12

	I understand that WB owns the rights, lock, stock and barrel, but
does that imply that they have the right to edit content? I am concerned
that the ads,which imply a different plot line than the one you had
envisioned may come to pass, as a result of "artful" re-editing by the staff
at WB. Is this a possibility or do you hold ..well, for lack of a better
term, certain inalienable rights to what you have created??
	"Steamboat Ed" Haas             :  In Vino Veritas 
        Check out my latest road trip!  :  ...and hangovers too...
                   ---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 May 1999 20:26:38 -0600
Lines: 17

> I am concerned
>that the ads,which imply a different plot line than the one you had
>envisioned may come to pass, as a result of "artful" re-editing by the staff
>at WB.

WB doesn't make those ads, they're made by TNT.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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