ATTN JMS: What did Walter Koenig think of Bester's fate?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 3 04:29:15 EST 1999

From: klr at (Kurt Reisler)
Date: 23 Oct 1999 10:28:37 -0600
Lines: 16

Hi Joe.  I am not certain if this has already been asked, but what the heck.

Do you know if Walter Koenig had a chance to read the "PSI Corps Trilogy",
and if he did, what does he think of Mr. Bester's fate?  After all,
other than yourself, he was probably was the one most involved with the


           Kurt Reisler (UNIX SIG Folded Chair, DECUS US Chapter)
		  Captain, UNISIG International Luge Team
		       Only a guest at klr at
	   <*> Moderation is for monks, and some news groups <*>

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Nov 1999 23:21:56 -0700
Lines: 16

>Do you know if Walter Koenig had a chance to read the "PSI Corps Trilogy",
>and if he did, what does he think of Mr. Bester's fate?  After all,
>other than yourself, he was probably was the one most involved with the

I'm having lunch with him tomorrow...I'll ask.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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