Attn: JMS: TNT notes (WAS *sigh* a quick Question and a foolow

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 3 04:41:59 EST 1999

From: "Alyson L. Abramowitz" <aly at>
Date: 2 Nov 1999 02:53:30 -0700
Lines: 16

> aly at wrote:
> >I'm curious what the production memos which occurred [maybe during
> >Season 1 for similar comparison] B5 looked like. JMS, is there one of
> >those you might share so we can see the difference under a different
> >environment? Just seeing the causes and effects I found fascinating.
> I second the motion.

Unfortunately, Joe doesn't seem to be listening to us.  As I understand
it, some form of production memos are pretty normal on most shows. I had
thought Season 1 of B5 just for reasonable comparison.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Nov 1999 20:40:14 -0700
Lines: 19

>Unfortunately, Joe doesn't seem to be listening to us.  As I understand
>it, some form of production memos are pretty normal on most shows. I had
>thought Season 1 of B5 just for reasonable comparison.
>'s just that there really aren't any, in terms of story.  The very few
comments that came from our WB liaison were always sensible; if I disagreed, he
deferred to my judgment; and they were always handled within a 2 or 5 minute
phone call.  There's practically zero paper trail for that period.  


(jmsatb5 at
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