B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 10 04:59:23 EST 1999

From: fred at (Podkayne Fries)
Date: 9 Nov 1999 21:55:59 -0700
Lines: 33

I have a screenwriter friend in California, and we both like to gossip.
I've heard some *very* interesting stories from him (most of which can't
be repeated in polite company), and I'd like to see if anyone has heard
this one.

Take careful note - this is a RUMOR.  My friend heard it from someone
who heard it from someone else.

The rumor is that Sci-Fi is negotiating with TNT to do some sort of
one-time special CRUSADE marathon.  All the episodes would be shown back
to back, and if the ratings were high enough to please the Skiffy Suits,
talks would begin for possible purchase of CRUSADE by Skiffy.

On its face, this sounds plausible.  Granted, it would cost a bundle to
buy the rights for the marathon, but my friend heard that TPTB at Skiffy
feel that this marathon would be a good way to measure potential

Regards, Podkayne Fries

"You can either see it as a removal of the weakminded from our group 
or as the majestic Podkayne eagle swooping down on the lame minded 
drooling rodent that infests the fields of the Usenet leaving various 
sticky substances everywhere he wanders.  Either way it is just another 
of Nature's wonders. While it may seem cruel to the uninitiated, it is 
necessary to prevent the pests from destroying it for the rest of us."
<896238577.8069.0.nnrp-07.c1ed33d4 at> - Mark Alan Evans

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Nov 1999 00:02:20 -0700
Lines: 19

>The rumor is that Sci-Fi is negotiating with TNT to do some sort of
>one-time special CRUSADE marathon.  All the episodes would be shown back
>to back, and if the ratings were high enough to please the Skiffy Suits,
>talks would begin for possible purchase of CRUSADE by Skiffy.

It's news to me, so I doubt its authenticity.  Also, they'd have to factor into
the equation that the episodes have just run on TNT recently, so a lot of folks
have seen 'em.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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